Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bright Forest

This image of a forest and a lone tree in the foreground characterizes a view of life: "we the individual, like this tree, stand alone in birth, life and death." But look again and you'll see that behind and all around us is a forest of our peers, supporting us, empathizing with us.

(Click here or on the image for a larger view or to consider a print or download purchase.)

The Initial Tree

This accommodating tree, displaying lovers' and friends' initials from the past and perhaps far into the future, lives on in spite of the abuse of the initial carvers.

(Click here or on the image for a larger view or to consider a print or download purchase.)

To Those Who Shall Sit Here . . .

This plaque of a bench at the highest elevation of Cornell University's Plantations dates back to the 19th century, but is still as relevant as then, and shall remain so throughout time. It was created by A.D. White, the co-founder of Cornell, and his wife.

I often sit on this bench, even in winter, and reflect on how sweet, compassionate and eternal the words are. In my view there is nothing else as powerful as this statement about the human experience, in all the recorded quotes of all time.

In this image I added background texture to emphasize the plaque. I also have the same image displayed without the textured background.

(Click here or on the image for a larger view or to consider a print or download purchase.)

Sage Hall in Silhouette

This image records an interesting near-silhouette view of Sage Hall, Cornell University, mid-morning sunlight. Sage Hall is a beautiful building regardless of photographic approach.

(Click here or on the image for a larger view or to consider a print or download purchase.)

Aladdin's Lamp (Abstract)

Aladdin's Lamp is a whimsical experiment gone good. The original photo was of a field of yellow grass-seed heads, bright in the mid-day sunlight. This is how the image ended up after a lot of digital post processing. I think it's a fun and interesting image.

(Click here or on the image for a larger view or to consider a print or download purchase.)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Stained Glass Tree

This tree began its artistic journey standing in an old orchard (now a city park) as it had done for years.  While a beautiful tree with full foliage, its personality really shined in the winter, because of its incredible complexity of branches and twigs.

When I shot this photo I thought the tracks in the snow of children sledding in the park established a certain "brittle texture" to the image.  This caused me to turn the tree into a tinkling display of stained glass shards between the branches and twigs.

This image is displayed in my home at a framed size of about 25"x20", and never fails to get comments from our guests.

(Click here or on the image for a larger view or to consider a print or download purchase.)